Why Rural America Voted Trump
Among educated elites the political debate on globalization and resistance has been simplified into a binary ....
- Kay Wise,
- Thursday, 1st December, 2016
Started career in 1964 doing program management at the American National Red Cross. In the 70’s I did semantic network research at Creighton University. During the 80’s, designed and developed management information systems on Tandem RDBMS at Applied Communications Inc. Started the Wise Choice Consulting Co. in 1988. Directed Oracle ERP and CMM SEPG for First Data Corp, before moving to Dubai, UAE, where I designed and managed SharePoint with Data polis Process SystemK for b`huth.
In 2013 returned to Omaha to live and work, continuing to write and consult on business systems and process improvement. Living ART fully.
Among educated elites the political debate on globalization and resistance has been simplified into a binary ....
As noted in our perspective last month on Cyber Attacks, the security of personal, corporate and government ....
Security can never be assured. Whether our security resides in a guard keeping watch by the fire, or ranks of ....