The Path to Stability in the Middle East: Tolerance, Geo-Economics, and Revolutions 2.0
This report is based on a discussion with members of National War College to B`huth who visited our head ....
- Khalid Al Shimmari,
- Monday, 22nd May, 2023
This report is based on a discussion with members of National War College to B`huth who visited our head ....
An article discussing the transformations of new alliances between countries in a post-polar world
As countries in the Middle East increase cooperation to meet common challenges...
Blue economy is an emerging concept for ocean governance that harnesses the economic capabilities of oceans in ....
The Jeddah Summit for Security and Development my have not achieved all the objectives the White House aimed ....
The UAE and United States have long enjoyed a steady and strong relationship, but it is now undergoing some ....